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Company Law & Advisory Services

We provide advisory services on company law matters Relating to merger, takeover, amalgamation, compliances as per Listing agreements, managerial remunerations, shareholding Pattern etc as per companies act.


  • Formation of company.
  • Assistance in maintenance of statutory company law books, preparation of minutes of  board and general meetings, statutory filings with the Registrar of Companies.
  • Assistance with compliances for appointment of auditors, shifting of registered office, increase in the share capital, etc.


New Company set up requires various sanctions and registrations as per nature of product/investment pattern /object of establishment and size of organization. We provide following services for New set up.

  • Advising on implications of operating through a limited liability company, the level of capitalization, etc.
  • Obtaining name approval from the Registrar of Companies.
  • Drawing up the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company.
  • Registration of the company with the registrar of companies.
  • Registration under sales tax, Excise, customs, service tax.
  • Registration with Income tax Department for corporate tax and withholding tax.
  • Registration under PT ,PF, ESI, Shop & Establishment act, SSI , Labour and factories act. Obtaining Import-Exporters code.
  • STPI Registration for availing various tax benefits.
  • Assisting in Opening of Bank Accounts and obtaining all necessary approval in case of foreign company.
  • Registration with Export Promotion Councils.


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